what all of us are concerned about and until we do find the solu- tion we turn to fantasies and dreams. Thus we resort to the all- time favorite of mankind...making up stories with heroes and hero- ines being one and the same.
That is why the stories you insert into the magazine are 80 welcomed...we lap it up with an unquenching thirst for more. We care not whether true or not and if true, highlighted and embell- ished with exaggeration. Such accounts are pardonable because all of us are prone to exaggerate. But true or not plaase continue to publish the stories even if they are so-called diaries or per- sonal accounts. We all love them because we transfer our ves into those accounts and feel we are experiencing these same adventures.
own sel-
Respectfully yours
S.S. (49-S-2)
Dear Virginia:
Thanks again for the wonderful work you are doing to promote a better understanding of TVs..... .My own opinion of what I would like to see in the magazine would be more fiction written by TVs. Of course, I like everything about it, especially letters from readers but it would seem to me since a TV's life is generally only a small fraction lived as a female due to our social struc- ture and normal family life, we work off a lot of our girlish steam in a dream world of our own imagination. So there is a need for fiction, fairy tales, yarns, call them what you will. But de- picting life and living not as it is, but as we would dream of having it. Scientists read murder mysteries, housewives read su- gary romances, and I as an engineer am a science fiction fan. So why not escapism literature for TV's?
Sincerely, 000- 000
PHYLLIS (37-G-1)
Dear Virginia:
Thank you for your prompt reply to my recent order for a copy of your publication. I enjoyed it and would like to order the next issue. I would like to commend you for your good taste, humor, and lack of vulgarity. It gives me a great deal of pleasure to find a publication of your calibre...
Very truly yours